Wednesday, July 21, 2004


On from my last post - I went along to enrol for the next year of the course. (I wouldn't care, what a journey it was: closed tube stations, the good old Hammersmith and Shitty line running with 'severe' delays - ie. a train turns up about once every half an hour, and then the buses were being diverted due to the fire on BG Road. Got to college, and was shown to a queue outside an interview room. So I sat there for ages, waiting whilst everyone else went in before me - even people who'd turned up later than me. Whenever I tried to get up the tutor would stop me by putting her hand up. I didn't know how to take this so in the end I walked out and went to Tesco's instead. Unfortunately since then I've decided I really do want to do year 2 so it's back to try and enrol again tonight...


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