Symptoms symptoms
All this year, I've been having a multitude of physical ailments. It started with leg pain (still got it!!): behind me knee, in the front part of my thigh, on my ankles... Then my veins on my legs and arms suddenly became very visible, sometimes this was accompanied by more pain. My doctors think I'm a hypochondriac: they looked at my leg, said 'there's nothing wrong with it!' and told me to try to concentrate on other things. Ha! I think that was a cue to start obsessing.... and so I got even more symptoms... This included having allergic reactions to herbal tea (you really couldn't make it up!!), sinusitis after sinusitis, did I mention IBS?, .... etc etc. My arm is also weird, keeps feeling as if I have a trapped nerve. My fingers hurt too. And my back. Also my neck feels a bit tense, recently had shooting pains up past my ear. You get the picture!
Anyway, it probably doesn't need saying that I've visited the doctors quite a lot this year. The last time was last week. They're writing to my therapist about all my ailments, I suppose it hints that there's something wrong mentally somewhere. I had expected it all to have passed by now. But I really want to continue with the therapy, it just makes me feel as if perhaps it might be too much for me, but I hope I'll be able to work through it, pass through the other side without all this.
(but I still think there something wrong with my leg!)
Anyway, it probably doesn't need saying that I've visited the doctors quite a lot this year. The last time was last week. They're writing to my therapist about all my ailments, I suppose it hints that there's something wrong mentally somewhere. I had expected it all to have passed by now. But I really want to continue with the therapy, it just makes me feel as if perhaps it might be too much for me, but I hope I'll be able to work through it, pass through the other side without all this.
(but I still think there something wrong with my leg!)
Hey Hurdygerdi
With all your leg problems, and if you are still blogging from aldgate east/bethnal green. then i have a great solution for you. No more painfully walking to the takeaway to get the comfort food. You can now view menus online and order online. Pain Free (forgive the pun) pizza
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