Friday, December 31, 2004

Culture stuff

This has been the year when I got back into listening to music and reading books. Maybe that's why I've not been posting much, I've been spending my computer time reading. Anyway, here's a round-up:

I'm in the middle of reading The Africa House by Christina Lamb - at first I thought it'd be dry but I'm enjoying it very much. Before that it was Bret Easton Ellis's Glamorama. The first half is very tedious - centred around a very vacuous club-runner, name-dropping hundreds of celebridies. Then the whole plot changes half way through - I was gripped. Lots of sex'n'violence, if you like that kind of thing (although I must admit, I ended up feeling rather spooked by the book - finished it in the early hours of the morning when I was alone in the flat. yikes!) I'd still recommend it though. The book before that was Peyton Amberg which I found a bit confusing, but was OK - not as good as The Male Cross-Dresser Support Group though. I think, before that I was reading a terrible book on Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures and prior to that, after a good first chapter, I yawned my way through The Autograph Man. I think that was the beginning of my reading frenzy so I'll leave it there.

Musically, I refound my enthusiasm for guitar music, having lost it around the time of Blur v Oasis, Britpop tedium. So it's been a year of Franz Ferdinand, The Libertines, Keane, the new Morrissey one, Courtney Love (yeah, I know), Muse, ... you get the picture. Of course I still have time for the likes of Missy Elliott.

This & That

So, it's been ages since I posted to this blog properly. Perhaps I should make a resolution for 2005 that I post more regularly. What's been happening, you're probably desperate to know? Not much, just getting used to my new job. Had some scary chest pains, but these turned out to be caused by anaemia (they first thought it was stress caused by my work-related experiences of the year) so I'm now taking iron supplements. All should be well soon. Also had some (ahem) inter-menstrual bleeding (actually, when i think about it, my periods have gone haywire) so I hope to find out what all that's about at my next visit to the doctors in a couple of weeks. Bloody hell (pardon the pun, agh!) I go from never feeling the slightest bit ill for years and years then all this...

Monday, December 27, 2004

Quote of the week

"If Lancastrians can get on with Yorkshirefolk then there's no reason why the Israelis and Palestinians can't live in harmony"

So think on, cock!