For some reason that I don't really understand I've been spending the past few months reading the likes of Gramsci and Foucault, and trying to get my head around 'third wave' feminism. I've also managed to dip into deaf studies and am finding all this search for knowledge hard to stop. This is all a bit strange as when I was an undergraduate I found it difficult to concentrate, or even to sit down and read books. To be honest I felt that my course had managed to destroy any interest I'd had in the subject. This led me to decide that I was better at doing more practical things and so I started a career in journalism which I enjoyed and I never even thought of going back to education. Anyway, all my latest cerebral activity has led me to consider doing an MA. This looks fantastic, but I don't see my current employer letting me have any time off to do it and I really couldn't afford to work part-time. So I'm currently ploughing through online prospectuses to try and see if anything else takes my fancy.