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Voter Says Respect Aides Attacked Him
An elderly man claims that he suffered a broken nose and wrist and a cut face when he was attacked after refusing to accept an election leaflet from supporters of George Galloway’s Respect party.
Disgraceful New Labour Smear Over Pensioner Attack
George Galloway, the Respect candidate in Bethnal Green and Bow, condemned New Labour 'dirty tricks' over the attack on a Labour-supporting pensioner.
The original argument was said to have occurred in Poplar. This is not within the Bethnal Green and Bow constituency – therefore canvassing on George Galloway’s behalf would seem unlikely. But anyway, we had no canvassers out at the time claimed.
* In his statement when interviewed by the police Mr Dobrovolski did not claim that he had been assaulted by a Respect supporter or that a leaflet had been left on his body. It was only seven days later, and through New Labour, that this allegation was made! The Metropolitan Police, in an advisory to the press, substantiate this.
* If he had, at the time, claimed a Respect attack, police would have visited and interviewed officials and senior members of Respect. There has been no contact from the Met. As evidence, the police would also have taken the leaflet in question, to forensically test it. This did not happen. Indeed this could not have happened, as the following will make clear.
* The most damning fact which disproves the account is that the leaflet in question is a postal leaflet, which was delivered directly to Royal Mail by the printers Lithosphere on Friday – a day after the attack! (A letter from Lithosphere, available from Respect, confirms this.) Not one copy was sent to any Respect office or outlet.